
Shipping costs in stone industry

Shipping costs for natural Stone are a significant factor in the industry and are closely monitored by the exporting and importing companies. We publish below the latest, approximate shipping costs for closed 20´DV container for some of the most common origins and destinations.

We hope to update this section frequently.

Our thanks to Susie Su, Xoan Martínez, Varujan Ozberg, Dr. Gopal, Aya Alaa and the company TFA Cargo for the information provided.

Chopin's heart beat in Warsaw

“This is not Chopin who needs us, we are the ones that need to warm up with the splendor of his fame and genius” – said Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, capital’s president, during the official opening  of the Fryderyk Chopin Museum in Warsaw. The building that honors the memory of the great composer is situated in the seventeenth-century Ostrogski Castle at Tamka Street. The works lasted several years.

Integral study of travertine of San Juan, Argentina

San Juan is one of the three provinces most important producers of marble in Argentina, along with Cordoba and Buenos Aires. Of this production, can be highlighted travertine marble for its quality and for being exploited since the end of XIX century, which has noticed since then a clear preference for the use of ornamental rocks in public buildings and in the houses of the rich people, both in San Juan as well as in Mendoza and Cordoba.

Moscow Metro’s Stone Show


Yuri Sychov


Every day around 9 million passengers on Moscow's Metro become unwitting visitors to a unique "stone show". The idea of creating a relaxing environment underground through the extensive use of decorative stone cladding and flooring was first put into practice in 1935. Today there are 162 stations and stone decor is featured at most of them. Yuri Sychov reports.