Marketshare of different materials in kitchen countertops

One of the most important application for different materials like granite, quartzite, quartz and porcelain, is the segment of the kitchen countertop. Companies spend a big part of their marketing budgets in trying to capture a share of this very attractive application, and the business cornerstone of fabricators in many countries is in installing kitchen countertops. 

What is the market share of each of the different materials in this segment in different countries in 2023? 

First, let it be said the market share keeps changing. Secondly, this is not a rigorous scientific study, the results published are basically an average of different replies received from experienced and knowledgeable industry professionals. Results may vary widely from one company estimation to another, from one region to another. Neither do these results shed any highlight in which segment (low end,medium, luxury end)  which material dominates.