Twelve outstanding tile and stone projects were recognized as part of the annual Coverings Installation & Design (CID) Awards, a program that, coinciding with the fair Coverings, honors outstanding design and installation of tile and stone in residential, commercial, sustainable and international projects. The four stone projects awarded on this year´s edition were:
Winner, Grand Prize – Commercial
Project: Harris County 1910 Courthouse Renovation
Installer/Designer: Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd. and PGAL

Camarata Masonry Systems and PGAL combined their talents to restore the historical 1910 Harris County Courthouse in Texas. This restoration featured the revitalization of architectural features that had been lost in the 1950s when the building was originally modernized. Camarata Masonry Systems and PGAL were tasked with returning this space to its original splendor, including reinstating the marble stairways and artistic ceramic tile work, a feat achieved through extensive cleaning, restoration and the matching of existing and new tile and stone materials. The resulting project was a well-executed, ornate stone and mosaic tile project.
Winner, Commercial Stone Design
Project: Equinox Fitness Club, Chestnut Hill, MA
Designer: Tribeca Stone

Winner, Residential Stone Installation
Project: Sunnyside Avenue Master Bath
Installer: Tarkus Tile, Inc.

Winner, Commercial Stone Installation
Project: Latter-Day Saints Temple, Calgary, Alberta
Installer: KEPCO+